“Consumers should not have to guess whether so-called ‘unlimited’ data plans contain key restrictions, like speed constraints, data caps, and other material limitations. When broadband providers are accurate, honest and upfront in their ads and disclosures, consumers aren’t surprised and they get what they’ve paid for. With today’s settlement, T-Mobile has stepped up to the plate to ensure that its customers have the full information they need to decide whether ‘unlimited’ data plans are right for them.”

Comments of FCC Enforcement Bureau Chief Travis LeBlanc in a Commission news release regarding the $48 million settlement reached between the agency and T-Mobile.  


At its Public Meeting yesterday, the PUC voted 3-2 in support of a Motion by Chairman Gladys Brown in a matter involving a complaint filed by Core Communications against XO Communications about compensation due for dial-up internet traffic and intrastate calls in which a Carrier Identification Code (CIC) is present but a calling party number isn’t.

–           “For these reasons, we conclude that an effective approach consistent with the record is Core’s interstate access rate in those situations when CPN or other necessary billing information is […]