Two recent articles on addressing Internet access in southwestern Pennsylvania featured quotes from, respectively, Jim Kail of Laurel Highland Total Communications, Zach Cutrell, and Dennis Cutrell of Citizens of Kecksburg.

–           “We recognized early on that the future was fiber.”   –           “You have to change and adapt, or you’re going to be irrelevant.”   –              “Gigabit internet is the […]


For these reasons, NTCA is urging the FCC to provide sufficient funding to cover both the severe budget shortfall on the non-model side (especially the early years of implementing these reforms) and to satisfy the demand for model-based support needed over ten years to enable the expansion of broadband. Without sufficient funding for both, the promise of these reforms – affordable standalone broadband and greater broadband deployment – will remain unfulfilled for millions of rural consumers.”

Excerpt from a Tuesday blog posting of NTCA CEO Shirley Bloomfield expressing concerns regarding federal funding for the high-cost Universal Service program. Last week the FCC’s Wireline Bureau announced that […]


“It would adversely affect the dynamism of the open Internet, dragging down our economy and diminishing the responsiveness of our government in the process. It represents an all-out assault on internet and pay-TV customers’ pocketbooks and reduces competition in these vital sectors. “

There is little doubt where the 18 interest groups who issued a news release with the above excerpt stand on the proposed AT&T-Time Warner merger. The coalition urged both presidential […]


“This new cybersecurity guidance from the Department of Transportation is like giving a take-home exam on the honor code to failing students. If modern day cars are computers on wheels, we need mandatory standards, not voluntary guidance, to ensure that our vehicles cannot be hacked and lives and information put in danger.”

U.S. Senators Edward Markey (D-MA) and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) commenting on voluntary cybersecurity guidance unveiled this week by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The Senators are advocating a more […]