“Today Chairman Pai released a plan that, if implemented, will hand over control of the open Internet to the powerful gatekeepers of our connections to the modern world. If adopted, Chairman Pai’s proposal will harm competition and innovation and will leave consumers without any real protection or oversight by either the FTC or FCC for broadband services.”

Excerpt from a joint statement by FCC Commissioner Mignon Clyburn and FTC Commissioner Terrell McSweeny.  


“The outcry for things like ultra high-speed service in certain areas means longer wait for those who have no access or still rely on dial-up service, as providers rush to serve the denser and more profitable areas that seek upgrades to this level. Today, ultra high-fast residential service is a novelty and good for marketing, but the tiny percentage of people using it cannot drive our policy decisions.”

Excerpt of comments made by FCC Commissioner Michael O’Rielly to Fierce Telecom regarding the national push for deployment of faster broadband services.  


“This is an idea whose time has finally come. I applaud Chairman Pai for taking the initiative to implement this important change to our procedures and I can’t wait to see all of the other process changes he has planned in the coming months. He has been a great partner in this effort.

FCC Commissioner Michael O’Rielly’s statement regarding Chairman Ajit Pai’s plan to publicly release the text of the Commission’s monthly meeting agenda items in advance.